“You only have control over three things- the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.”
—Jack Canfield
How we talk to ourselves within our own minds, which is called ‘self-talk’, is really where change happens. You may think, “Oh affirmations don’t work”, but I have experienced their power for myself in my life and in my client’s lives as well.
I can explain to you that it can and does work if you are faithful to the affirmation process!
Our self-talk has a very powerful effect on how we move forward in life and how we manifest our future. How many times do you hear yourself say negative statements or ‘affirmations’ to yourself? Take a moment to really think about that... it may not be in your outside voice, but what’s happening with your internal voice, your thoughts.
It is one thing to hear negative words being projected on us by others, which is still recorded in our minds and cellular body, but how many negative thoughts do you carry within your own mind about yourself. The words may have been words you heard from your parents, siblings, teachers, co-workers, friends or a random person who is having a bad day and has decided to project their day upon you.
So what are affirmations? Affirmations are statements that are positive, self-affirming, self-empowering and inspiring.
Our subconscious mind does not interpret the words it just records the words or is simply storing them. This is why how we write our affirmations is so important. It’s important that we avoid using negative words and self-judging statements that carry words like can’t, won’t, and shouldn’t. Our subconscious mind feeds back to us the words and thoughts we program into our mind with affirmations and words we hear in life. Just like a computer program it is only as good as the way it is set up by the person. How many times do you say or think, “I can’t do that”?
This is an affirmation, only it is a self-defeating affirmation.
Or how many times do you say or think, “I will never be able to afford that...”? Again a self-defeating affirmation. We hear them all the time whether it is the evening news, or from family or friends, so it will take positive affirmations to change that cycle of thinking, to erase negative affirmations, until at one point they have disappeared. Most of us have heard the saying, “negative in, negative out”; no truer words have ever been said. I like to think of affirmations as “Positive In, Positive Out”.
If you would like to learn more about affirmations I would suggest the book: “You Can Heal Your Life.” by Louise L. Hay. She is the person who years ago introduced me to the wonders of affirmations. You can also go to www.hayhouse.com for many other positive books.
Another wonderful book is ‘Feelings Alive Never Die’ By Karol K. Truman this book goes a little deeper into the process.
How to use affirmations:
First center yourself by taking several deep slow breaths.
Focus on what you need at the moment.
Then look through the affirmations or choose to write your own positive affirmation or mantra. You may want to use a sacred text or scripture verse.
Then write the affirmation and place on the bathroom mirror or a bedroom mirror, refrigerator or any place/places you will see it regularly.
For the best results, look into a mirror, say the affirmation aloud looking at yourself and repeat several times. Then repeat as often as you can in a day, continuing this process until you feel the shift or notice a change in thought.
Why do I have you say it into a mirror and aloud?
I suggest it this way because then you are seeing yourself speak in a loving, positive way to yourself, and you are hearing your words aloud. This reinforces them into your subconscious where the change happens and calms down the ego/conscious mind.
Here are some sample affirmations you can use:
I am Love.
I am Divine Love.
I see God/Spirit/Divine Love in each person.
I see the love of God/Spirit in everyone and myself.
I am safe.
I am in perfect health and it is safe to be healthy.
I see myself happy, healthy and prosperous.
I welcome change, it is safe to change.
I am balanced and peaceful.
I see peace all around me.
I walk through life with grace and ease.
I trust my intuition.
Be still and know I AM.
My mind is harmonized and balanced.
My body is harmonized and balanced.
My emotions are harmonized and balanced.
I am peaceful and harmonious.
I feel centered and balanced.
I see the light of love filling me now!
Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
find favor in your Heart
O my Beloved, my strength and
my joy!
— Psalm 19:14
(From Nan C. Merrill’s book:
‘Psalms For Praying’)
Lorie’s Certifications
- 1996One Brain Practitioner Certification
- 1997One Brain Advanced Practitioner Certification
- 1999Polarity Therapy and Polarity Reflexology Certification
- 2000Traditional Reflexology Certification
- 2001Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Certification
- 2002Ordained Interfaith Minister
- 2005Completion of 2-Year Shaman Practitioner Apprenticeship
- 2006Tachyon Holistic Practitioner Certification
- 2008Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification
- 2009Master Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification
- 2012Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification
- 20143-Year Completion Integrated Imagery Certification