Flower Essences
As I wrote about in different places on this website, I am a person who blends many therapies as I serve. My “toolbox,” as I like to call it, has many options or areas to draw from, and since I am a lifelong learner, I continue to grow. This section on the Bach Flower Essences provides a brief understanding of them, which may or may not be used during a session. I have used flower essences in one shape or form for over 25 years and have always felt a deep calling from them. So, with that being said, I am happy to say that on January 21, 2021, I completed my Bach Flower Practitioner Training to officially become a BFP Bach Flower Practitioner. Upon satisfying my requirements to The Dr. Edward Bach Centre, Mount Vernon in Wallingford, United Kingdom, I have been put on their register as a Registered Practitioner, officially making me a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner, BFRP.
Now, people can reach out to me for a session to help create a personal Bach Flower mixture to assist them in releasing and shifting their emotions, supporting and rebalancing the emotions and stress of life they are experiencing with these gentle and beautiful flower essences. Bach Flower essences are a gentle and loving way of helping yourself to come into living from who you are in a balanced way. They may also help you to go on the sacred journey of self-discovery and open yourself to personal growth and emotional health.
People are starting to become more aware that depression, stress, and emotional traumas, if not worked through, can, down the road, possibly turn into an actual physical condition. At the very least, these emotional shake-ups can weaken the immune system, leading to our bodies becoming vulnerable.
I have clients that come just for these Bach remedy mixtures to help with the stresses of final exams and dealing with life's everyday stress, for example. Sometimes, how we handle or don't handle different situations creates stress where we wish to be stronger. Bach Flower remedies can help to give the support and shifts needed to become that person who is just waiting to be revealed, deep in the core or essence of yourself. These beautiful essences are helpful for your children and pets, especially those you rescued and may have had trauma. I have seen them work wonders.
Bach Flower Essences are a form of energetic or vibrational medicine. It is the energy or vibration of the flower that is taken; this is why it is gentle and effective. It enhances our systems on a subtle level. Bach Flower Essences were created to work on the subtle bodies because it is in the subtle bodies that any disturbance by negative experiences, attitudes, and emotions needs to be balanced, and this helps the mind-body connection to restore itself.
Flower Essences are really a form of energetic or vibrational medicine. It is the energy or vibration of the flower that is taken; this is why it is gentle and effective because it enhances our systems on a subtle level. Flower Essences were created to work on the subtle bodies because it is in the subtle bodies that any disturbance by negative attitudes and emotions need to be balanced and then helps the mind-body connection to restore itself.
There are many flower essences out there but here I will only talk about Bach.
Dr. Edward Bach:
Bach Flower Essences were developed in England in the late 1920s and 1930s by British researcher and physician Dr. Edward Bach. Homeopathic medicine was already being used, and it was founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the father of vibrational medicine, which started in the early 1800s. The flower essences are considered to be the first of what is now known as flower vibrational medicine. Like Dr. Hahnemann, Dr. Bach understood that to truly cure disease, the treatment of symptoms was not adequate. You needed to get to the root cause of the dis-ease for any cure to be lasting. Dr. Bach believed a negative state of mind was at the core of any illness. So, in treating the body alone without treating the emotions or mental state, as well as the spirit, was the only way to bring true healing and health.
Dr. Edward Bach said, "This system of healing shows that it is our fears, our cares, our anxieties that open the path to the invasion of illness. As the herbs heal our fears, anxieties, worries, faults, and failings, then the disease, no matter what it is, will leave us."
There are 38 individual flower remedies, and the 39th is a blend called "Rescue Remedy," which is made up of 5 of the individual remedies. Rescue Remedy is always a "go-to" when someone has a shock, trauma, or extreme emotional event. Thankfully, this has become more readily available today in grocery stores, pharmacies, and even Walmart.
A newer blend called “Rescue Sleep” recently came out. It is made with five individual remedies and helps when you’re having trouble getting the mind to stop chattering or the day’s events continue to take you in circles at bedtime.
The Bach Flower Essences are generally preserved in brandy, but they have begun making non-alcohol-based essences. There is a specific Pet Rescue Remedy as well. If you are concerned about the alcohol-based essences, keep in mind that one drop is generally taken in 8 oz. of spring water and sipped throughout the day, although they can be given directly under the tongue as well. If you are still concerned about the alcohol base, remember that I am now able to get alcohol-free Bach Flower Essences.
TIf you are interested in using this fabulous therapy and incorporate it into your life style please call or email for a session.

Lorie’s Certifications
- 1996One Brain Practitioner Certification
- 1997One Brain Advanced Practitioner Certification
- 1999Polarity Therapy and Polarity Reflexology Certification
- 2000Traditional Reflexology Certification
- 2001Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Certification
- 2002Ordained Interfaith Minister
- 2005Completion of 2-Year Shaman Practitioner Apprenticeship
- 2006Tachyon Holistic Practitioner Certification
- 2008Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification
- 2009Master Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification
- 2012Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification
- 20143-Year Completion Integrated Imagery Certification
- 2021BFP, Bach Flower Practitioner